Friday, January 9, 2009


2 years...damn so long for me (bengap gak la aku ni) to cOmpletely understand wat i should do wit my master proJect..i came a accross to think dat i haVe to repeaT all my exPerimentaL wOrk all oVer aGain...can i call dat suCh a wasting time???yeah...bUT, fOr da sAke of my new year"s resolution, i hAve to..rite papa???rili need your sUpport...n tHnx cOz understand...

he alWiz said, its neVer to late for me to bUild my cAreer bUt its a cRedit for me to fInd a beTTer jOb. .true rite???

tIme to face the fact giRl!!!! u can do think so...


chRonicLe of uS said...

~hadapi dengan senyuman semua nya kan baik2 saja~

chRonicLe of uS said...

caiyo2!!!!! mama boleh, mama boleh, mama boleh..... :D